Diploma of the "Wings of Russia" award
ALROSA Airlines has once again been awarded a diploma of the Wings of Russia award in the nomination Airline of the Year - Helicopter Services.
Sochi Airport: Document Requirements
Airport reminds: "passengers with laminated birth certificates may be denied boarding"
Discount for members of the Trade Union "PROFALMAZ"
The airline offers a special discount of up to 9% for members of the Trade Union of ALROSA (PJSC) employees "PROFALMAZ"
Trip Cancellation Insurance
Trip cancellation insurance will allow the passenger to compensate the cost of the ticket up to 40,000 ₽ in case of cancellation due to unforeseen reasons.
Additional carry-on baggage
Additional hand luggage is now available not only on the website and at the departure airport, but also in all accredited agencies
Changes in legislation concerning entry into and exit from the Russian Federation.
Changes in legislation concerning entry into and exit from the Russian Federation. The procedure for confiscating a passport with false information has been determined
Dictation of Victory
On April 26, 2024, the "Victory Dictation" will be held at regional venues throughout Russia, abroad, and online.