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Aviation training center

Aviation training center


Basic information about the organization that provides training

Full name: ALROSA Airlines Joint Stock Company; Abbreviated name: JSC "ALROSA Airlines" Date of creation of the AUC: information is updated Location: 678174, Russian Federation, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), m. Mirninsky district, Mirny, sh. Almaznikov, zd. 5/1, floor 2 Working hours: Monday – Friday: from 8.30 to 17.00, Saturday, Sunday: weekends Contact numbers: 8 (800) 500-50-95, +7 (41136) 48-123 Email address: avia-info@alrosa.ru Place of educational activity: 678174, Russian Federation, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), M. Mirninsky district, Mirny, sh. Almaznikov, zd. 6/15 Building 3 License for educational activities: information is being updated

Structure and organs organization management

Name of the structural unit: ALROSA Airlines Personnel Training Group Head of the structural unit: information is being updated Location of the structural unit: 678174, Russian Federation, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), m . Mirninsky district, Mirny, sh. Almaznikov, zd. 5/1, floor 2 The e-mail address of the structural unit: the information is being updated The regulation on the structural unit: the information is updated


The charter of the organization: information is updated Internal regulations of students: link to the document Internal labor regulations: link to the document Local regulations of an educational organization on the main issues of organization and implementation Educational activities: information is being updated Regulations of the bodies exercising state control (supervision) in the field of education, reports on the implementation of such regulations (if any): Information is being updated


Ongoing educational programs: 1. Additional professional development program for the course: "The human factor. Human capabilities in relation to aircraft maintenance" (periodic preparation); Program content: link to the document 2. Additional professional development program for the course: "Aviation the legislation of the Russian Federation governing the certification and airworthiness maintenance process and maintenance of aircraft and components" (initial training) Program content: link to the document Form of study: full-time/ part-time Duration of training: 16 hours Language of instruction: Russian


Head of the Aviation Training Center of ALROSA Airlines JSC: Gulov Andrey Alexandrovich Contact phone: +7 41136 48-111

Pedagogical structure

The training sessions are conducted by qualified teachers of ALROSA Airlines JSC.

Logistical support and equipment

Classes are held in a classroom located on the closed territory of the Mirny airport. Class it is equipped with the necessary technical training facilities.

Paid educational services

The cost of training programs is available on request.

Financial and economic activities

Educational activities, the financial support of which is implemented at the expense of budgetary allocations The federal budget, the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, and local budgets are currently not being implemented.

International cooperation

Agreements concluded and planned to be concluded with foreign and (or) international organizations on There are no issues of education and science at the moment.

Educational standards and requirements

The training is conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations "Requirements for educational organizations and organizations that provide training for specialists of the relevant the level according to the lists of aviation personnel specialists. The form and procedure for issuing the document, confirming the compliance of educational organizations and organizations providing training specialists of the appropriate level according to the lists of aviation personnel specialists, requirements Federal Aviation Regulations", approved by Order No. 289 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 2015, according to training programs approved by the federal executive authority performing the functions of for the provision of public services and management of state property in the field of air transport (civil aviation), and included in the Appendix to the Certificate of the ALROSA Airlines JSC.