Авиакомпания АЛРОСА - Главная страница
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Help us to become better

Help us to become better

Dear passenger!

We constantly strive to improve the quality of services provided, create the most comfortable conditions for you, taking into account your wishes. We ask you to take a few minutes of your time to fill out the following questionnaire.

Which airport did you fly out of?

Date and flight number

Please rate the service at the airport:

Visual and audio announcements about your flight

Quality of service at check-in

Friendliness and competence of security staff during pre-flight screening

Quality of delivery to the plane

Services when boarding/disembarking from/to an aircraft

Did you have any difficulties while at the airport?

General impression of the airport services

Your comments and suggestions regarding airport services. What measures would be desirable to take to improve the quality of airport services?