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Transportation of sports equipment

Transportation of sports equipment

Regardless of whether luggage is included in the ticket or not, "ALROSA Airlines" provides passengers a free checked baggage allowance for one airline ticket to transport sports equipment weighing no more than 23 kg and with dimensions not exceeding 203 cm in total (length*width*height).

The following sets are considered one set per passenger:

Ski equipment (total weight no more than 23 kg):

  • One bag with one pair of skis and one pair of ski poles;

  • One piece of luggage with gear (1 pair of boots, 1 helmet, 1 goggles).

Snowboard equipment (total weight no more than 23 kg):

  • One bag with one snowboard;

  • One piece of luggage with gear (1 pair of boots, 1 helmet, 1 goggles).

Hockey equipment (total weight no more than 23 kg):

  • One piece (bag) with gear;

  • One bag with 2 hockey sticks.

Bicycle without battery (total weight no more than 23 kg):

  • Prepared for transportation (either folded or disassembled, packed in a case, bag, box, or plastic wrap) — one piece of luggage.

Other sports equipment (not included in the list above) is not transported free of charge beyond the free baggage allowance.

An additional piece of free baggage for transporting sports equipment is not accounted for when calculating excess baggage fees, is not indicated on the ticket, and is provided during check-in if there is a technical possibility in the aircraft.

Additional equipment (ski poles, boots, skates, helmet, etc.), transported without skis/snowboards/hockey equipment, does not fall under this free transportation norm beyond the established allowance.

Sports equipment transported in a greater number of pieces or with a total weight exceeding 23 kg will be charged as excess baggage.

Baggage with sports equipment having dimensions greater than 203 cm in total (length*width*height) will be charged as oversized baggage.

The passenger must coordinate the transportation of sports equipment with the airline no later than 24 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight.

ALROSA Airlines places great importance on supporting sports and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The information about the service is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a public offer as defined by Clause 2, Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Accurate and complete information about the service can be obtained from the carrier or an authorized agent at the time of making a request for its arrangement.